
Autistic + DID + ADHD + STPD + BPD + More
System Host
Dysphoric, on T
Artist and Musician
Ex-Cult Atheist
Spiritual Otherkin/Fictionkin/Therian
My special interests are Eminem, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, horror, psychology, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Nintendo hardware, and vinyl record collecting. My other main interests are It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, House of Leaves, Radio TV Solutions, hip hop, adult cartoons, Wilfred US, and console hacking.

Genders (OUT OF DATE)

Aesthetifluid: Where your gender is fluid depending on your current aesthetic of interest.Aesthetigender: A gender that is the embodiment of an aesthetic.Backroomic: A gender associated with feelings for disconnect from reality; or somewhere you aren’t meant to be, with unfounded nostalgia for places you’ve never been. May include the weird sense of fear of being unable to see outside, a feeling of being watched or followed by something you can’t quite see, and possibly related to horror games. It is similar to large department stores or empty buildings that still have power. It is most likely neutral or eldritch in nature.Ceilsangine: A gender related to eyebleed colors, raves, contrasting colors, and neons!Dreamcoric: A gender related to dreamcore.Glitchcoric: A gender related to glitchcore.Gurogender (Menheragender): An aesthetic gender based in gore and menhera/yami kawaii subcultures.Liminalgender: A warm gender related to liminal spaces. It is detached and void-like due to neurodivergence and/or trauma. It may it times feel like it doesn't exist or only partially exists.Medcoric: A gender related to medcore/medicalcore.Queercoric: A gender related to queercore.Scenecoric: A gender related to scenecore.Weirdcoric: A gender related to weirdcore.Xenoirgender: A gender based on emo, scene, and goth aesthetics.Yamikawaiic: A gender related to the yamikawaii aesthetic.Yanderecoric: A gender related to yanderecore. For people with BPD only.Yellowgender: A gender related to the color yellow.

8mileic: A gender related to the movie 8 Mile (2002). May also be related to the soundtrack. Coined by me.Anicross: A soft, gentle and friendly gender, primarily experienced by Animal Crossing kin, though anyone can use it.Benrygender: A gender related to the character Benry from Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware.Breakingbadic: A gender related to the show Breaking Bad.Cadensgender: A gender easily influenced by music.Dinosaurchestralbumic: A gender related to the album Dinosaurchestra by Lemon Demon.Eialaic: A musicagender that is relating to or directly influenced by the album Everything Is A Lot by Will Wood.Emibungender: A gender connected to bunnies and music by Eminem. Coined by me.Eminemuspinic: A neurogender connected to one’s special interest in music by Eminem.FNAFgender: A subset of gamegender based around/influenced by FNAF.Gameclamgender: A gender related to the Gameclam, a fictional game console created by Socpens. Coined by me.HLVRAIgender: A gender related in any way to the series “Half-Life VR but the AI is self aware” by wayneradiotv.Infinitica: A gender related to the song “Infinite” by Eminem. Coined by me.Lemondemongender: A gender related to Lemon Demon music.Normalalbumaic: A musicgender that is relating to or directly influenced by the album The Normal Album by Will Wood.Playstationgender: A gender related to the Playstation.PS2gender: A gender related to the Playstation 2.Self-ishaic: A musicgender that is relating to or directly influenced by the album Self-ish by Will Wood.Shadysongic: A gender related to the song “I’m Shady” by Eminem. Coined by me.SSLPalbumic: A musicagender related to The Slim Shady LP album by Eminem.Welcnetic: A gender related to the song "Welcome to the Internet" by Bo Burnham. It may also be related to the visuals of the video. Coined by me.Wowozelagender: A gender related to the Wowozela from Gmod.WWATTgender: A gender that is related to the band Will Wood And The Tapeworms. It can be described as feral, chaotic gender that is both colorful, or fluid, and monochrome, or static, at the same time.

Absorgender: A gender identity that is heavily influenced by the people around someone. For example, an absorgender person would feel more feminine when surrounded by women, or more masculine when surrounded by men.Aesthetifluid: Where your gender is fluid depending on your current aesthetic of interest.Affectugender: A gender that is affected by one’s neurodivergency especially fluctuating moods.Duragender: A polygender/genderfluid identity that involves a stable, long-lasting component. For example, a duranonbinary person might feel that their identity is fluid, but always involves a major nonbinary component.Gendercollector/Genderhoarder: When your gender is fluid, but you can’t find terms to fit, so you hoard terms.Genderfaun: A fluid gender that never encompasses being female/female aligned.Gendersylph: This gender is like genderflux/fluid/fluix but exclusive (or almost entirely exclusive) to xeno or otherwise uncommon type identities. Someone who is gendersylph could very rarely identify as something within the binary, but almost always identifies as something extremely non-binary. This identity can change at random and change in intensity.Mulominixi: Being polygender with only masculine, neutral, and xenic genders.Mycedgender: A gender that has so many tiny aspects that you feel like you are constantly discovering it OR being polygender and having so many different types of genders (ex. xenogenders, aesthetigenders, synesgenders) that you are constantly discovering new ones.Polygender: Having many genders simultaneously.Scorpigender: A gender that is a mystery, and very difficult to understand. Lots of labels vaguely fit it, but almost none can fully describe it.

Angelkinic: A gender related to being angelkin, angelcore, angels, or a gender that feels angelic or holy in nature.Bunpupgender: A gender related to both bunnies and puppies.Daederic: A gender that feels demonic and/or unholy.Dogboygender: A gender related to dogboys and/or being a dogboy.Fictigender: A gender relating to one’s fictionkintype.Genderopossum: A xenogender related to opossums, meant for possumkin, but can be used by all.Hellhoundgender: A gender in which someone feels an extremely strong connection to hellhounds, a supernatural dog in folklore. They either strongly identifying with them or simply wanting to incorporate then into their gender to better understand their identity.Hellhoundkinic: A gender related to being hellhoundkin. Coined by me.Kingender: A catch-all term used to describe people whose gender(s) are related to them being otherkin, or are somehow influenced by it.Mentapupgender: A gender related to peppermint candies and puppies.Pupgender: A gender that is small, lively, cute, and any other quality associated with puppies, that is puppy-like, and/or connected to puppies.Puppykinic: A gender related to being puppykin.Pupmasc: A masculine pupgender.Shiftfluid: When one's gender changes during a kinshift.Sylveonic: A xenogender related to sylveon. Soft, pastel, and happy.

Affectugender: A gender that is affected by one’s neurodivergency especially fluctuating moods.Autigender: A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic or when your autism has an effect on your gender in some way.Autipupgender: A pupgender that is also tied to being autistic.Echogender: When you can’t understand gender so you mimic the gender of those around you.Exagender: A gender for use by people with Borderline Personality Disorder. It is influenced or affected by the approval of others. It is usually affected or altered by splitting, which can result in a gendered feeling that is in contrast with the person’s ‘actual’ experience of their gender.Fascigender: A gender relating to a special interest.Focigender: A gender identity that is influenced by or shifts with your hyperfixations/obsessions.Hategender: A gender that you can’t describe with any word but hatred or anger. Usable only by neurodivergent people with mental illnesses that cause anger or hate.Hypupgender/Hypupsexual: A neurogender where one’s hypersexuality impacts one’s gender, that being pupgender.Kandigender: A gender that feels bright and colorful, and due to Neurodiversity, loud and excited!!Liminalgender: A warm gender related to liminal spaces. It is detached and void-like due to neurodivergence and/or trauma. It may it times feel like it doesn't exist or only partially exists.Neurogender: A term to describe when one’s gender is linked to someone’s neurodivergency. It can be both an identity and an umbrella term for genders that are limited to neurodivergent individuals. This term is exclusive to neurodivergent individuals.Pendogender: Never feeling satisfied with your gender. Gender perfectionism.Syntharum: A gender related to the person’s own synthesia in one way or another. I.E not using certain terms cause its a bad color/taste/sound or using others because it is a pleasant one. Can also be used in the way where their synthesia influences their identity entirely.Systemgender: The combined gender of a multiple system.Visigender: A gender best discribed with visual aides because you are unable to put it into words due to neurodivergency.Waverlene: A gender which associates with warm colors, warm sea, dusk and night, “warm” noise sound, slight glitches and ambience, darkness and feeling of nostalgia.

Astralgender: A gender connected to space.Astralgendervoid: Nonbinary gender related to space. Vaguely masculine.Juparian: A gender linked to softer celestial masculine energy.Neptunian: Gender linked to the void and fluxuates with softer celestial mascuine energy.Nocturnumae: A gender related to the night, far away galaxies, small planets, stars, and the feeling of calmness and sleep.Putenain/Putearin: A gender related to pillows, a good nights rest, dark rooms, the moon, stars, constellations, and far away cities. Feels hollow and cool.Spacegendervoid: A gender connected to space, stars, etc. It is unaligned and ties to the feeling of genderlessness.Stargender: An otherworldly gender, a gender that will never be defined, or the gender of a star.

Ampligender: A gender that feels loud in volume.Anler: A strong willed gender, determined and certain about who they are.Arcadegender: A xenogender related to arcades. This can include the carpets, fluorecent lights, arcade games, the bottons on the cabinets, etc.Arithmagender (97gender): A number gender. It can range from any number/s, positive, negative, decimals, fractions, etc.Bulletsgender:A gender that feels scrappy and young, angry at everything happening in the world. Feels like garage punk, aggressive and looking for a fight, screaming the lyrics out and having a sore throat the day after. Orange and yellow and blood red, switchblades and guns and halos made out of barbed wire.Conventionalic: A gender that feels broken up in pieces but ultimately whole, loud and angry and in your face. Feels like a fistfight, pocket knives and pepper spray on your keychain, music playing too loud in the car while speeding down a vacant road. Mocking authority, sun bleached fields with thorns wherever you step, spiked leather jackets, red and yellow and tan and black.Fictogender: An orientationgender related to being ficto-.Genderkreig: Genders that controdict eachother.Genderqueer: Describes a person who does not identify as fully, exclusively male, or fully, exclusively female. A genderqueer person may identify as partially one or the other, both, or neither.Ghostgender (Ghostboy): A gender that feels faint but was once stronger.Intensigender: Feeling a gender more intensely than others.Malfunctiongender: A gender for people who feel a connenction to robots/malfunctioning/being evil.MTM (Male to Male): A trans man who considers himself transitioning from male to male, as he has always been male, just not in the way being male is traditionally defined as. An alternative to FTM.Monsterenergygender: A gender related to Monster Energy drinks and being hyperactive.Mufflegender: A gender that feels soft in volume.Nonbinary: Not identifying with the gender binary.Paradigender: A gender that feels cheerfully nihilistic, joyful and overwhelming. Feels like bass that you can feel in your heart, nostalgia that leaves you wondering where it all went, understimulation where you turn the volume all the way to 100%. Skulls and fractured bones, overexposed photopgraphs, blood splattered on clean white tile, greys and whites and bluish greys.Peachgender: A gender that feels soft, fuzzy, and easy to hurt. Gives off vibes of peach taste.Slasheric: A gender related to slasher antagonists and the slasher genre of horror. This gender is intimidating, dangerous, but often quiet.Solflorisique: A gender related to sunflowers, beautiful sunny days, warm weather, grassy meadows, and art museums. May also feel warm and very very small.Transgender: Identifying with a gender other than the gender assigned at birth.Xelinity: Someone who is xenine/xenic/xingender and masculine/attached to masculinity.Xenogender: A gender that can not be described by human terms.Winternarian: A gender connected to winter. It feels cool and calm, like a wintry morning in December. It can also be connected to the smell of fir trees, the falling snow, and fireplaces.Zombifisgender: A gender which feels as though it was dead then reanimated, as well as feeling inhuman/having a disconnect from humanity which can make your gender confusing.

Orientations (OUT OF DATE)

Asexual: Feeling no sexual attraction.Aegosexual/Autochorisexual: An orientation that is centered around people other than yourself. When you enjoy the idea of a particular kind of attraction, or when that attraction is being experienced by other people, but do not experience it yourself.Aprocreationist: Having no desire to procreate, being repulsed with the idea.Aroflux: Someone who's romantic orientation fluctuates, but always stays on the aro spectrum.Demi- (Romantic, Sensual, Queerplatonic): Feeling no attraction until a close bond is formed.Greyromantic: An orientation that is somewhere between a- and allo-. One who rarely experiences attraction.Limnosexual: Attraction only piqued by depictions of acts of attraction (eg drawings or writing), not the acts themselves in real life.Recipromantic: A person that only feels attraction only if the other person feels attraction to them at first. If there is no one around to feel attraction to them, largely recipros may feel like simply definining themself as aromantic/asexual/etc. describes their experiences just fine.Woland- (Romantic, Sensual, Platonic, Queerplatonic): An aspec identity only for chronically ill/disabled individuals. It involves one’s attraction and/or desire for a relationship waxing and waning depending on their symptoms, spoons, or pain.

Achillian/Vincian: Men Loving Men (MLM).Diamoric: "An intentionally flexible, loose term that describes a personal identity or a relationship (sexual, romantic, platonic etc.) that is neither “straight” nor “gay” due to the presence of one or more non-binary people.Enbian: Nonbinary Loving Nonbinary (NLN).Gai: Being gay in a nonbinary way.Gay: Attracted to the same gender.Neurolian: Neurogender Loving Neurogender (NGLNG).Opalian: MLM, MLN, NLM, NLN.Queerian: Queer Loving Queer.

Alt- (Sexual, Romantic, Sensual) When your orientation fluctuates because of your Alters’ orientations.Borderattractional: An orientation in which a person with BPD cannot tell the difference between types of attraction due to symptoms of their disorder. Can be used with a specific type of attraction that is difficult to distinguish (bordersexual or borderomantic), or as borderattractional if the term feels applicable to all types of attraction.Dissociative Pansexuality: Pansexuality which fluctuates depending on each different alter, for example, alter one identifies as female and is attracted to everyone, but alter two identifies as male, and is attracted only to men. The system is still pansexual but each alter regardless of gender, expresses their own sexual preference based on gender.Echo- (Romantic, Platonic: When you feel attraction to people that you see as extensions of yourself/that you are an extension of them due to neurodivergence.Nebularomantic: Unable to tell attraction from friendship due to neurodivergence.Neuro- (Sexual, Romantic, Sensual, Platonic): An umbrella term for when your neurodivergent condition affects your orientation, but it can be used as a standalone identity.

Amusrum: A subset of Objectum where the user is attracted to amusement park rides.Antrotherio: Attraction to anthropomorphic animals, aka furries.Automobilum: Objectum attraction to cars.Botani- (Romantic, Platonic): Attraction towards plants.Conceptum (Romantic, Platonic, Sensual): A form of objectum, but with attraction to concepts.Creatu- Attraction to original characters that one creates.Digi- (Romantic, Platonic, Sensual): Someone who chooses to mediate their orientation through technology, such as attraction to AI.Exo- Attraction to extraterrestrial, robotic, supernatural, or otherwise non-human life-forms, though they are typically humanoid or human-like.Ficto- (Sexual, Romantic, Platonic): Attraction to fictional characters.Inflateajectum: Objectum attraction to inflatable objects and pool toys.Medusan: Alterhuman/nonhuman people who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to other alterhuman people and/or nonhumans. This can mean monsters, aliens, mythical creatures, etc.Objectum (Romantic, Platonic, Sensual): Being attracted to objects.Pelu-: Objectum attraction to stuffed animals/plush toys.Plushum: Objectum attraction to plush toys/stuffed animals.Prae-: Attraction to deities/the divine.Soundrum: A form of Objectum/Conceptum where you are attracted to sounds and music.Spectro-: Attraction to ghosts, poltergeists, and/or phantoms.Spirictum: A form of Objectum where your objectum buds/partners have a spiritual form.Techno-Attraction to technology, robots, and AI.Terato-: Attraction to monsters.Vampiro-: Attraction to vampires.Vestiagum: Objectum attraction to clothing.Xeno-: Attraction to aliens/extraterrestrial life.

Hierarchical Polyamory: A polyamorous relationship structure in which a person has multiple partners who are not equal to one another in terms of interconnection, emotional intensity, or power within the relationship.Polyamorous: Put simply, being attracted to multiple people at once, with consent.


Main Pronouns





Do Not Interact

Truscum / Transmed
MAP / NOMAP / MAP Supporter
Anti Kin
I don’t believe in preventing anyone from using terms/flags I create, just don’t talk to me.
Don’t talk to me about syscourse I’m just gonna block you.
I refuse to learn about or partake in any new discourse I do not wanna know what these words mean. I’m living in a better world.
If you think about pedophilia, real or fictional, and get excited, I don’t want you near me!!
You don’t need to credit me if reuploading my flags/terms, but credit would be appreciated if uploaded to a public MOGAI wiki.

Other Labels (OUT OF DATE)

Alterhuman: A category of personal identity which encompasses identification that is alternative to the common societal idea of humanity.Altersex: A catch-all term consisting of alter, meant here as “different” or “another possibility,” and sex, referring to physiological primary and secondary sex characteristics. Altersex is meant to be used largely, but not exclusively, for fictional characters, describing body plans that are not found naturally in homo sapiens, or, in the case of real individuals using this as an identifier, those who have a mental body plan/view of their “true” self that has a body that fits under altersex.Assigned ? At Birth: Where you feel that your assigned gender is irrelevant to your gender identity, feel uncomfortable sharing what you were assigned as, or just reject the concept of sharing your AGAB publicly altogether.Colligarian: Someone who’s overall identity has so many components that they continuously collect terms they feel fits them, of which some feel that they will never have enough terms to describe their entire identity.Fictionkin: Partially or fully identifying as a fictional character.LGBTQIA+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, Plus.MOGAI: Marginalized Orienations, Genders, and Intersex.Otherkin: Identifying as partially or entirely as nonhuman.Queer: An umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not hetero- and/or cisgender.Therian: Identifying as partially or entirely as a nonhuman earthly animal.Variant: Not completely conforming to the societal and cultural ideals or roles of gender, sex, orientation, sexuality, relationships, expression, and other related forms of self-identification. Not being accepted as a member of conformant society due to one’s identity differing from the one assigned to and expected of them.Xeninoichood: An umbrella term for any xenic (xeno-aligned), xenine, xin(gender), xenogenital and xeno(gender) experience.Queer Anarchist: An anarchist school of thought which advocates anarchism and social revolution as a means of queer liberation and abolition of homophobia, lesbophobia, transmisogyny, biphobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, heterosexism, patriarchy, and the gender binary.


The Best of the Best the Top of the Top

🐇 B-Rabbit (8 Mile) 🐇
🍷 Dennis Reynolds (IASIP) 🍷
⚗️ Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) ⚗️
☎️ Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's) ☎️
📝 Stan Mitchell (Eminem) 📝


🎥 Eddie Brock (Venom) 🎥
📖 Johnny Truant (House of Leaves) 📖
🐩 Ryan Newman (Wilfred US) 🐩
🥃 Tom (Eddsworld) 🥃
🥤 Tommy Coolatta (HLVRAI) 🥤
🥩 Will Graham (Hannibal) 🥩
🎨 Yellow Guy (Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared) 🎨

Primary Kins

🐶 Blackjack (Dayshift at Freddy's) 🐶
🐹 Craig Tucker (South Park) 🐹
💢 Dan Mandel (Dan Vs) 💢
☀️ Dogday (Poppy Playtime) ☀️
🦢 Elsen (OFF) 🦢
🧿 Enderman (Minecraft) 🧿
🍑 Gag (Pen Palz) 🍑
🎪 Kedamono (Popee the Performer) 🎪
🔥 Mallick Scott (Saw V) 🔥
❔ The Riddler (The Batman 2022) ❔

Secondary Kins

🎈 Beverly Marsh (IT 2017/2019) 🎈
🌸 Bob (Animal Crossing) 🌸
👑 Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa) 👑
🍪 DJ Cookie (Cookie Run) 🍪
🐞 Flick (Animal Crossing) 🐞
❌ Fukase (Vocaloid) ❌
🥕 Gumi Megpoid (Vocaloid) 🥕
🥀 Kanna Kizuchi (Your Turn to Die) 🥀
💓 Lars (Steven Universe) 💓
🐤 Lego Robin (Lego Batman Movie) 🐤
💉 Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa) 💉
🏥 Nurse Doom (Sparklecare Hospital) 🏥
🐱 Nyan Cat (Nyan Cat) 🐱
🐎 Ponyboy Curtis (The Outsiders) 🐎
🌈 President Meat (Sparklecare Hospital) 🌈
🎸 Sal Fisher (Sally Face) 🎸
🍕 Shelby Pent (Khonjin House) 🍕
💗 Spinel (Steven Universe) 💗
🎀 Sylveon (Pokemon) 🎀
💣 Tac Nayn (Nyan Cat) 💣
🧢 Wakko Warner (Animaniacs) 🧢
🔪 Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club) 🔪


🐶 Dog 🐶
👻 Ghost 👻
🐺 Hellhound 🐺
🏚️ House of Leaves (book) 🏚️
👾 Polybius 👾
🪩 Slave of God (game) 🪩
💒Throne Angel 💒
🐀 Virginia Opossum 🐀